Friday, November 30, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Squirrel in tree

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

Hermit Crabs- the Social Animal

Hermit crabs are a race of decapod (ten-footed) crustaceans consisting of over 1100 species.  A Hermit Crab stores its abdomen in a series of ever changing shells, following a cycle of molting which allows its body to grow.  Only its ten clawed feet are exposed.

Hermit crabs enjoy being sprayed with a water bottle or gentle mister. A sponge constantly wet with clean water will keep a hermit crab hydrated. Hermit crabs require a clean substrate (such as sand) that they can bury themselves in completely. They needed to be provided new shells as they grow in size. Some hermit crabs will change shells if presented with them even if it has not grown out of the previous shell. This can be delightful to hermit crab owners as a variety of shells with keep both pet and keeper entertained.

Hermit Crab Tower

Hermit Crab Tower

Here you can see several hermit crabs taking part in a social activity.  Together this group scales the vegetation-covered tower to form a stronghold.  In this group they protect one another (and this new found food supply) from outsiders.  One might not guess this from the moniker “hermit crab” but this name may be a misnomer.  Several species of hermit crab are known to congregate in groups and stand a greater chance of survival if they do.

Hermit crabs may be found in the wild in shallow waters or as deep as the sea bed. As scavengers, they feed upon algae as well as plant an animal matter left over from other parts of the food chain.  Despite their name, hermit crabs can be found in groups of up to 100 individuals.  Anyone thinking about getting a hermit crab for a pet, or already has a lone hermit, should consider getting a mate or a pal for this Social creature.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween

Chinchilla Mustache

Chinchilla Mustache

Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2012

Do you like my mustache?  This was my costume this Halloween.  What did you dress up as?